
You May Be Looking for Us!

You May Be Looking for Us!

Looking to make a difference in young lives in Harrisburg? Interested in service opportunities that make an impact? New City School is interviewing for a number of Board, classroom and other volunteer positions, one of which may be just what you...

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Thanks to our Classroom Volunteers

Thanks to our Classroom Volunteers

We are fortunate to have several people who regularly volunteer their time to invest in the kids at New City School. Ms. Rachal Prensner has been volunteering weekly and teaching our students Spanish. We have appreciated her time and faithfulness....

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Calling All Volunteers

Calling All Volunteers

New City School has 15 student registrations and is ready to open her doors on Tuesday, September 13th. In order to ensure a smooth beginning for our new students, we are looking for a team of volunteers, especially the first two weeks (September...

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Needed Supplies for New City School

Needed Supplies for New City School

Our commitment to offering a high-quality education of mind and soul begins with hands-on discovery in an active learning environment. We believe this meets children where they are and, equally important, establishes a foundation for a life long...

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Invest in New City School

Your investment of time and resources is necessary to open our doors this September. Would you consider investing in one of the following ways? Assist with room preparation. After a good start at the beginning of the month organizing materials and...

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Pre-K Applications Now Being Accepted

Enroll today for free Pre-K! We are receiving applications for the 2016-2017 school year for our free 3-and 4-year old Pre-K. In order to ensure a high-quality education experience where each child is known and loved, we have limited spaces...

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