Jamari is an energetic four-year-old who loves books, is creative, and prefers DC superheroes to Marvel. His remarkable memory for the stories he’s learning at school is demonstrated in his ability to rightly relay the parts of Hansel and Gretel or the Three Little Pigs. While lovable and engaging, he’s learning—along with his classmates—to take turns and do school work when he’d rather be playing.
Jamari’s mom, Asia, and his step-dad, Naquan, are committed parents who work to get Jamari to school each day and sacrifice to pay his tuition. You’ll see Naquan carting the playground toys inside at the end to the day and even sweeping up the leaves and trash that gather in the courtyard. They want Jamari at New City School next year and are eager to do their part to see NCS prosper. They well know the challenges of their district public school and don’t believe Jamari would do well in that setting. It’s investors like you who have given Asia and Naquan an option for their child’s education.
Please consider a donation to New City School so that students like Jamari can have quality early education options. Today, your gift can have an even greater impact, thanks to The Foundation for Enhancing Communities. New City School has been awarded a 1:1 matching challenge grant for $7,500. Every gift of up to $500 from new donors will be matched by TFEC. Are you already giving to New City School? Any increase from last year’s donations will also be matched, up to $500 per donor. Will you consider partnering financially with us for the first time or increasing your gift?