• Looking Ahead to a New Year

    What a difference a year makes! As we move into the new fiscal year and prepare for the first day of school on August 26, we are grateful for the 170 businesses and individuals who have made our school possible by investing more than $180,000. Thank you for your generous investment in Logos Academy! Your…

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  • Kindergarten Memories 2018-2019

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  • Smarter Giving Through Appreciated Stock

    Here at Logos Academy Harrisburg, we believe that EVERY child should be afforded a high-quality education, regardless of their family’s income. Our donors make that possible by giving generous scholarships to the majority of our students. If you are like me, you may wish you had more charitable dollars to give. One way to make…

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  • 20/20 Vision for 2020

    Logos Academy Harrisburg has a vision to shepherd students intellectually as well as spiritually, encouraging them to live out the compassion of Christ. This vision for 2020 is already blossoming—we expect enrollment next year to exceed 50 students! Most of our preschool and pre-K students have re-enrolled, and nine of our kindergarten students have asked to stay for first…

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  • Unabashed Determination

    Five years ago, while New City School was still in its planning stages, a local businessman expressed great skepticism in the viability of our vision. He was enamored with our dream to make a quality private-school education available to anyone, regardless of ability to pay, but he couldn’t see how it would be financially viable.…

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  • A School that Defies Logic

    Every organization has its challenges. Operating a school such as Logos Academy Harrisburg (New City School) is no exception, and in many ways, those challenges are complicated by our unique tuition model. We give away over $100,000 a year in scholarships because we are committed to providing a quality private school education to all students,…

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  • Intelligence Plus Character

    When a prospective parent visited Logos Harrisburg recently, Mr. Davenport, the kindergarten teacher, was in the throws of organizing his classroom, and the mother’s two children were engaged with Miss Liz. This mom’s tears at the prospect of her children attending a “safe school” in a “loving supportive environment” spoke volumes. This is why we…

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  • Play Is Serious Work

    Visit New City School on any given day and you may discover the room peppered with small groups of children. One group of four-year-olds is hovering around the “sensory table,” playing in the dirt and what was last week’s pinto beans, which have sprouted into plants. Another group is at the playdough table making caterpillars;…

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  • Meet Jamari

    Jamari is an energetic four-year-old who loves books, is creative, and prefers DC superheroes to Marvel. His remarkable memory for the stories he’s learning at school is demonstrated in his ability to rightly relay the parts of Hansel and Gretel or the Three Little Pigs. While lovable and engaging, he’s learning—along with his classmates—to take…

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  • Pay Taxes or Provide a Scholarship?

    No one enjoys taxes. Period. Did you know there is a way that you can give a life-changing scholarship to a student at New City School instead of paying your state tax liability? Would you be interested? Qualifying individuals who owe $3,500 or more in PA state taxes are able to divert that to students’…

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