Student Absent Today Notification

Absence Notification:

Fill in the form below and click the blue “submit” button by 9:30 a.m.  This form simply notifies the school that your student will be absent today. It does not function as an excuse note. Please submit an absence excuse note within five days of your student’s return to school. Parents/Guardians may submit ten parent-written absence excuses per year; after that, a doctor’s note is required.

*Please do not submit absence notifications through Remind to your child’s teacher.  They are only available to check messages on their breaks and at the end of the day.

Regular attendance invites a student to build habits that promote lifelong success. Due to state legislation, Logos Academy records both excused absences as well as unlawful absences that lead to truancy.

Excused Absences

Absences for any of these reasons are recorded as excused. Students are allowed a total of 10 excused absences without official documents each year. Examples of excused absences are:

  • MEDICAL: Medical reasons documented with a parent/guardian or doctor note submitted within 5 days of student return from absence.
  • SCHOOL HEALTH POLICY: Students sent home sick with a fever of 99.9 degrees or higher are asked not to return to school for a full 24 hours after the fever breaks without medicine.
  • EMERGENCIES: Logos Academy understands that unforeseen events occur. Family emergencies that center around and specifically include the student may be authorized as a lawful absence at the discretion of the Academic Team (which includes the principals and assistant head of school). Details about the nature of the emergency should be included in the communication to the school.
  • PRE-PLANNED ABSENCE: Logos Academy encourages family time as well as educational/church opportunities. Whenever such an opportunity or event arises, parents/guardians are required to fill out the Field Trip Absence Request Form online (at least ten days in advance). Families are asked not to plan an absence during the last 10 days of the school year. (Some examples of excused pre-planned absences are an educational trip, immediate family member’s wedding, or church attendance.)

Unexcused (Unlawful) Absences

Absences that do not qualify for one of the excuses above will be recorded as unexcused/unlawful. These absences include any cases where:

  • No parent/guardian communication is provided
  • Students are kept out of school to support the needs of parents/guardians or other family members (i.e. babysitting, doing errands)
  • Oversleeping
  • Job hunting
  • Car troubles, lack of transportation to school, missing the bus, traffic
  • Four unexcused tardies have occurred (each tardy is recorded as 0.25 of an unlawful absence)

Student Absence Form

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY