Crossing This Year’s Finish Line And Gearing Up For Next!

What a year the 2020-2021 school year was! COVID challenged staff and students alike, but we finished the year with much to be thankful for and excitement for a fresh start in the fall. 

Academic progress: Our hybrid model served us well this past school year.  Almost all of our students show improvement in language arts, with many showing significant growth.  Math scores overall held steady, and while we were hoping for more growth, we’re encouraged with students’ overall scores. You may remember our first grader Derrick–he learned to read this year! He set a lofty goal of reading 200 pages every day.  We love his enthusiasm and eagerness to learn and grow.

Enrollment: Parent partnership is essential to our success as a school.  All but one of our students are returning in the fall! This speaks to the trust and belief that our families have in our program.  Many of our students have been with us for several years and a few, like Maddie, have been with us almost from day one.  We don’t take our parents’ trust for granted.  

Funding: Thanks to your faithful support, and a very large gift at the end of the year, we are projected to finish the year in the black with no debt!  Your investment is an essential part in our students’ success.  Your financial contribution enables us to provide a quality Christ-centered education for our students, many of whom would otherwise not be able to access a private-school education.  You are changing lives!

Staffing- Our team is growing! We’re undergoing the biggest staffing transition in the short history of our school, and while it’s sad to see Liz, Jason, Sarah, and Janay move on, we’re excited about the new faces who will be joining us in September.  We’ll be welcoming two new teachers, an assistant teacher, an operations assistant, and part-time teachers for music, PE, and art.  (You may recognize our art teacher – she looks a lot like our former principal!)  In July, Tiara Hall will start as our Summer Program Assistant.  She will work with Ms. B in our summer enrichment program and will continue in the fall as our assistant teacher.  

Thank you for your partnership and support in this great adventure!  It’s aggressive and challenging, but together we are making a difference in the lives of these young learners as we prepare them to graduate from high school and go on to make meaningful contributions in their communities and beyond.


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